10 Unhealthiest Drinks: Avoid These Sugary Beverages and Try Healthier Alternatives

As we welcome the warmer months, the allure of a refreshing, cold drink becomes almost irresistible. However, amidst the colorful aisles of our favorite grocery stores lie hidden pitfalls. Many of the beverages that promise to quench our thirst are, in fact, laden with added sugars, contributing to an array of health issues when consumed excessively. It’s crucial to be aware of these Refreshing beverages on store shelves and consider healthier alternatives. Here, we’ll dive into the 10 unhealthiest drinks you might want to avoid and suggest some delightful, healthier options to enjoy instead.

1. Arizona Green Tea

Arizona Green Tea

Despite its seemingly healthy name, Arizona Green Tea is surprisingly high in added sugars, containing about 42 grams per serving. This is far beyond the American Heart Association’s recommended limit of 36 grams of added sugar per day for men and 25 grams for women.

Healthier Alternative: Opt for unsweetened green tea. It’s hydrating, rich in antioxidants, and can be naturally sweetened with a slice of lemon or a small amount of honey if desired.

2. Barq’s Root Beer

Barq's Root Beer

Root beer may evoke nostalgic memories, but Barq’s Root Beer packs a hefty sugar punch, with about 44 grams per can. Regular consumption of such sugary drinks can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Healthier Alternative: For a fizzy fix, try sparkling water infused with natural fruit flavors. It offers the carbonation of soda without the added sugars or artificial sweeteners.

3. Welch’s Grape Juice

Welch's Grape Juice

Fruit juice is often perceived as a healthy choice, but Welch’s Grape Juice contains a staggering 57 grams of sugar per serving. This is more sugar than in many sodas and can significantly contribute to calorie intake.

Healthier Alternative: A better option is to eat whole fruits or opt for water infused with fresh fruit. This way, you get the hydration plus the fiber, vitamins, and minerals from the fruit, with far less sugar.

4. Mountain Dew

Mountain Dew

Mountain Dew is notorious for its high caffeine and sugar content, boasting about 46 grams of sugar per can. This combination can lead to energy crashes and contribute to long-term health issues if consumed in large amounts.

Healthier Alternative: If you’re looking for an energy boost, consider black coffee. It has zero calories, offers a caffeine kick, and contains antioxidants.

5. Starbucks Frappuccino Coffee Drink

Starbucks Frappuccino

A favorite among coffee lovers, the bottled Starbucks Frappuccino Coffee Drink contains about 46 grams of sugar. While it might be a tasty treat, it’s more dessert than a drink.

Healthier Alternative: For a healthier coffee fix, try cold brew coffee with a dash of milk or a plant-based alternative. You’ll get the caffeine without the overwhelming sugar content.

6. Naked Green Juice Machine

Naked Green Juice Machine

Though it’s marketed as a health drink, the Naked Green Juice Machine contains approximately 53 grams of sugar per bottle. This is deceptive, as consumers might not expect such high sugar content in a vegetable and fruit juice blend.

Healthier Alternative: Make your own green smoothie at home using fresh, leafy greens, a small piece of fruit for sweetness, and water or unsweetened almond milk. This way, you control the sugar content.

7. Arizona Sweet Tea

Arizona Sweet Tea

Sweet tea is a southern classic, but Arizona Sweet Tea comes with about 42 grams of sugar per serving. Regularly indulging in such sweetened beverages can have adverse effects on your health.

Healthier Alternative: Brew your own iced tea and sweeten it lightly with stevia or a small amount of honey. This gives you the sweet taste without all the added sugars.

8. Monster Energy Drink

Monster Energy Drink

With about 54 grams of sugar per can, Monster Energy Drink is another beverage that combines high sugar content with caffeine. This mix can lead to spikes in energy followed by crashes, impacting mood and overall health.

Healthier Alternative: For a natural energy boost, try matcha tea. It provides a more sustained energy release compared to the quick jolt from traditional energy drinks.

9. Naked Blue Machine Juice

Naked Blue Machine Juice

Naked Blue Machine Juice might look appealing with its promise of antioxidants and vitamins, but it also packs about 55 grams of sugar per bottle. It’s important to read labels carefully, even on products that appear healthy.

Healthier Alternative: Blueberries and water. Simply adding a handful of fresh blueberries to your water can provide antioxidants and a hint of natural sweetness without the sugar overload.

10. Naked Mighty Mango Juice

Naked Mighty Mango Juice

Lastly, Naked Mighty Mango Juice is yet another example of a health-oriented drink that is surprisingly high in sugar, containing 57 grams per bottle. While mangoes are nutritious, in juice form, the sugar content skyrockets.

Healthier Alternative: Enjoy a fresh mango. Eating the fruit in its whole form provides fiber and vitamins without the excessive sugar found in the juice version.

Bonus Tip: Always Check the Label

Regardless of the drink, a general tip for making healthier beverage choices is to always check the label. Look for drinks with low or no added sugars and beware of marketing that makes unhealthy products appear beneficial.


As the weather gets warmer, people are reaching for cold beverages to quench their thirst. However, many popular drinks are loaded with added sugar, far exceeding the recommended daily intake. Some of the unhealthiest drinks include Arizona Green Tea, Barq’s Root Beer, Welch’s Grape Juice, Mountain Dew, Starbucks Frappuccino Coffee Drink, Naked Green Juice Machine, Arizona Sweet Tea, Monster Energy Drink, Naked Blue Machine Juice, and Naked Mighty Mango Juice. These drinks contain excessive amounts of sugar, ranging from 42 to 57 grams per serving. To make healthier choices, experts recommend unsweetened green tea, black coffee, and sparkling water. It’s important to be mindful of the added sugar content in beverages and opt for natural sugar-free sweeteners. By choosing healthier alternatives, you can enjoy refreshing drinks without compromising your health.

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